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Heart Failure

Heart failure has been identified as a priority area for disease management in Singapore due to its high prevalence. Comprehensive heart failure disease management programmes have been shown to improve the outcome of patients with heart failure.

With the Heart Failure Programme in National Heart Centre Singapore (NHCS), we aim to improve the quality of life and survival for heart failure patients and reduce the number of re-hospitalisation through our multidisciplinary team based approach. The team comprises heart failure Cardiologists, Cardiothoracic Surgeons, Nurse Clinicians, Physiotherapists, Dieticians, and Pharmacists. Stable patients are able to return to the primary healthcare system for continual care.

Heart failure patients will be seen at our dedicated Heart Failure Clinic through a structured outpatient programme to prolong survival, improve quality of life and reduce hospital admissions. The doctor will optimise medical therapy, identifies patients who are suitable for advanced heart failure therapy and makes relevant investigations. The specialist nurse clinician will also be available on hand to provide phone consultations to patients.

For more information on heart failure symptoms, cause and risk factors, diagnosis and treatments, visit here.

Our Care Team

Assoc Prof David Sim

Deputy Head & Senior Consultant, Department of Cardiology
Director of Heart Failure Programme, NHCS


  • Heart Failure

  • Heart Transplant

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david sim nhcs

Prof Carolyn Lam

Senior Consultant, Department of Cardiology
Director of Women’s Heart Health, NHCS


  • Heart Failure
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carolyn lam nhcs