National Heart Research Institute Singapore boosts an extensive range of specialised facilities and equipment across the different core disciplines of cardiovascular research. Our state-of-the-art core facilities empower investigators to pursue basic, translational and clinical research questions directed at improving cardiovascular care. These core resources are provided by dedicated teams of highly-trained members. To learn more about our research platforms, please click here.
Investigators who are interested to use these facilities can contact us at [email protected]
The surgical area is surrounded by a o-magnetic stainless steel plate, incorporating a window to allow for warming of the animal during a surgical procedure.
The langendorff system allows the examination of cardiac inotropic, chronotropic and vascular effects without the complications of an intact animal model.
This Vivid e95 is a state of the art for ultrasound imaging equipped with phased array cardiac and linear vascular probe to support cardiovascular phenotyping efforts.
The IX73 inverted microscope system is a state of the art for advanced live cell imaging that enables flexibility to accommodate different range of imaging techniques
The PIM3 is a laser Doppler blood perfusion system. Up to 255 X 255 points can be measured without physical contact between the machine and the animal.
The MPVS Ultra Pressure-Volume (PV) Unit utilizes state-of-the-art technology in the measurement of high-fidelity left intra-ventricular pressure (LP) and volume in small (mice, rats) through to large animals (dog, sheep, pig).
The Zeiss t 200M is a motorized and scientific-grade inverted microscope with universal applications for transmitted-light and epifluorescence and is dominant utilized in microscopy of living cells.
The Vevo2100 is equipped with a digital platform delivering outstanding performance in a wide range of application. Its high frequency ultrasound with linear array transducers provide up to 1000 frames per second and possible resolution down to 30 microns.
The Olympus BX51 is a basic fluorescence and bright field microscope that is suited for general applications. The base is equipped with 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 60x, and 100x objectives, as well as a set of 3 manual sliding fluorescence filters (DAPI, FITC, hodamine).
The JANUS chemagic 360 Workstation uses patented magnetic bead technology with fully automated liquid handling to provide high quality and high yield isolation of nucleic acids.
The chemagic Prepito-D instrument allows for magnetic particle separation and represents the top quality. In combination with the well-known chemagic Kits it delivers high yield and purity DNA/RNA and ensures the success of your downstream application.
The LabChip GX is a high throughput microfluidics platform that performs reproducible, high-resolution, electrophoretic separations. The Labchip DS is a UV-VIS absorption spectrometer utilizing microliter microplates enabling the assessment of the quality and quantity of nucleic acid samples.
Our world-class imaging facilities include a dedicated MRI research facility with the latest generation 3T Philips Ingenia and 1.5T Siemens Aera scanner. The non-invasive imaging modality provide remarkably clear and detailed images for cardiac volume and morphology assesment.
Caliper SciClone G3 Automated DNA library preparation allow the undertaking of large sample number projects, e.g 1,000 whole-exome captures, enabling variant detection in disease state with high statistical significance.
The Illumina Miseq is a desktop sequencer focusing on applied sequencing applications such as metagenomics, small genome sequencing, and amplicon sequencing. New v3 chemistry allows for higher output and longer reads up to 2x300bp.
The AB3500 Genetic Analyzer is equipped with a 8-capillary (3500 System) array and polymer with advanced multiplexing capabilities to support demanding DNA fragment analysis applications.
The Miniseq is an advance equipment that supports a wide range of DNA and RNA applications such as targeted resequencing, metagenomics, small genome sequencing and targeted gene expression profiling.
The Nextseq 500 provides high throughput sequencing at increased speed with reduced costs. While it is capable of generating up to 120gb of data (800million paired end reads in a single run), it also allows users to switch quickly between different NGS applications and configure the output based on coverage needs and number of samples.
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