MBChB, MRCS (Glasg), FRCSEd (CTh)
Specialty: Cardiothoracic Surgery
Clinical Interest: Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
Conditions Treated by this Doctor: Aortic Valve Disease, Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG), Heart Transplant, Mechanical Heart Assist Device/ Ventricular Assist Device, Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery, Mitral Valve Disease, Off-Pump/ Beating Heart Surgery.
Clinical Assistant Professor Chua Kim Chai graduated from the University of Auckland, New Zealand in 2005 and started his surgical training soon after. He obtained his MRCS from the Royal College of Surgeons (Glasgow) and FRCS in Edinburgh in 2009 and 2015 respectively. Clin Asst Prof Chua is professionally licensed by the Singapore Medical Council (Specialist Registration) and the Medical Protection Society.
From 2007 to 2011, Clin Asst Prof Chua was a Medical Officer in various local hospitals and he joined National Heart Centre Singapore as a Registrar in the Cardiothoracic Surgery department thereafter in late 2011. In February 2016, he was promoted to Associate Consultant in the same department, to Consultant in May 2018, and subsequently a Senior Consultant in May 2023. He is actively involved in the training for residents in the residency programme.
Clin Asst Prof Chua has also presented in a variety of regional and international conferences, for instance sharing about his experience in NHCS on Axial Flow LVAD at the 15th Wuhan Asia Heart Hospital Annual Academic Meeting (China), in 2014. His focus of interest is in minimally invasive cardiac surgery (MICS) and has completed an MICS sub-specialty training in Canada in 2019. He has also contributed in the publishing of several medical articles alongside other doctors.
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