National Heart Centre Singapore (NHCS) aims to take a lead role in cardiovascular training, both nationally and internationally. To this end, NHCS offers a number of fellowship training positions each year for hands-on training in Clinical Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology, Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology and Pacing, Echocardiography, Nuclear Cardiology, Heart Failure, Cardiac Imaging, Cardiac Computed Tomography, Cardiac Surgery, Thoracic Surgery and Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia.
These fellowships have drawn cardiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons and cardiothoracic anaesthetists from the regions who are interested in advancing their skills.
Each fellowship is tenable for a period from 3 to 12 months depending on the type of fellowship programme. Upon completion of the fellowship training, fellows should return to their country and apply the skills learned.
To date, more than 120 international fellows have trained with National Heart Centre Singapore since 1992.
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